Easter Camps 2024

With the weather turning for the better usually around this time of the year, the 2 weeks of our Easter Camp is a big hit, almost as big as our Easter egg hunt on the Thursday of the 1st week!


With having so much space in our venue, the Easter egg hunt takes upwards of 1 hour sometimes, with the kids having to solve clues to get to the “Golden Egg”.


No camper is left without an egg, even if their eyes aren’t able to find where the Easter bunny hid them away. With the weather change, this usually leads to the Go Karts seeing the light of day for the 1st time since Halloween Camp.


The Easter camp runs for 5 days in week 1, including Easter Friday day Week 2 camp takes place for 4 days, camp is closed on Easter Monday. The camp is open to children age 3-13, provided the child is fully toilet trained.

Easter Camp Week 1 Easter Camp Week 2 Prices & Schedule
April 14-18th
April 22-25th (Tue-Fri)